In our increasingly digital world, gaming has become a fundamental part of many young people’s lives. Gaming offers a broad range of experiences, from educational tools to online multiplayer games. While gaming can offer cognitive and social benefits, concerns arise when gaming becomes excessive, impacting the overall well-being of children and young people (Przybylski & Weinstein, 20171).
I am fortunate to meet a whole range of young people, parents and families in my work. Some come from the 'old school' approach of "games will rot your brain, I had to walk 20 miles in the snow just to go to the arcade...", other parents are more laid back, reflecting "we found all kinds of ways to distract ourselves too - some might have been healthier than gaming, others probably weren't..."
The plan is to explore the various aspects of gaming and the range of effects it can have upon children and adolescents. We'll do a deep-dive and map out why gaming can be attractive and enjoyable - and how it can become problematic. We'll explore why gaming can be particularly engaging (and maybe agitating) for young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) on gaming behaviour, and how parents can help their children manage.
Understanding the Attraction of Gaming
Modern games are pretty darn immersive. They're usually designed with reward schedules borrowed from the gambling world - they are very good at keeping us playing. They're getting more visually realistic and engaging, becoming digital microcosms of parts of what is, was or could be. They incorporate elements of competition, achievement, and social connection (Granic, Lobel, & Engels, 20142). For many children and adolescents, gaming offers stress relief and escapism—a virtual world where they can exert control and express creativity.
Games often require players to use various skills, such as logic, memory, strategy, coordination, and reaction time. These skills can be rewarding to develop and improve, especially when players receive feedback and reinforcement from the game system or other players. Games also provide a sense of accomplishment and progression, as players overcome obstacles, complete tasks, unlock rewards, and advance to higher levels. These achievements can boost players’ self-esteem and motivation (Ryan et al., 20063).
Many games allow players to interact with other players online or offline, either cooperatively or competitively. These interactions can foster friendships, communication skills, teamwork, and empathy. Games can also serve as a common interest or topic of conversation among peers. For some children and adolescents who feel isolated or marginalized in real life, gaming can provide a sense of belonging and acceptance (Cole & Griffiths, 20074).
Games often feature imaginative settings, characters, stories, and themes that appeal to players’ curiosity and creativity. Games can also allow players to explore different roles, identities, and perspectives that they might not experience in real life. For example, players can become heroes or villains, warriors or wizards, humans or aliens. Games can also expose players to different cultures, histories, and realities, broadening their horizons and perspectives (Gee, 2007).
Why Children Might Get Fixated on Gaming
Gaming fixation is a complex phenomenon that involves psychological, biological, and environmental factors. Gaming fixation can be defined as a persistent and excessive involvement in gaming that interferes with other aspects of life, such as health, education, work, and relationships (King et al., 2013). Gaming fixation can have negative consequences for the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of children and adolescents, as well as their social and academic functioning (Griffiths et al., 2016).
Reward systems
One of the factors that might contribute to gaming fixation is the reward system of the brain. Games are often engineered to tap into the brain’s reward pathways, which are responsible for motivating and reinforcing behaviours that are essential for survival, such as eating, drinking, and mating. Achieving a goal or ‘levelling up’ in a game triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and satisfaction. This dopamine release can reinforce repeated gaming, leading to behavioural addiction. Over time, the brain seeks the rewarding feelings that gaming produces, potentially resulting in a gaming fixation (Koepp et al., 1998).
Some personality traits, such as impulsivity, sensation-seeking, neuroticism, and low self-esteem, have been linked to higher risk of gaming fixation (Mehroof & Griffiths, 2010). These traits might make gamers more prone to seek stimulation, excitement, escape, or validation from gaming. Gamers with these traits might also have difficulty regulating their emotions and impulses, making them more vulnerable to gaming fixation (Mehroof & Griffiths, 2010).
Some environmental factors, such as family conflict, peer pressure, academic stress, or social isolation, might influence the gaming behaviour of children and adolescents. These factors might create a need for coping or adaptation strategies, which gaming might provide. Gaming might offer a way of dealing with negative emotions or situations, or a way of fulfilling unmet needs or desires. However, this might also lead to gaming fixation if gaming becomes the primary or sole source of coping or satisfaction (Lemmens et al., 2011).
The Impact of ADHD and ASD on Gaming Behaviour
Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be more prone to gaming fixation (Stavropoulos et al., 2017). The immediate rewards and fast-paced action of many games may especially captivate children with ADHD. In contrast, those with ASD might find solace in the predictable, rule-governed universe of gaming (Mazurek & Engelhardt, 2013). However, this doesn’t mean that all children with ADHD or ASD will develop problematic gaming habits. It merely indicates that they might have different gaming preferences and needs than their neurotypical peers.
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by persistent and pervasive patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that interfere with daily functioning and development (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Children with ADHD often struggle with executive functions, such as planning, organising, prioritising, and self-regulating. They also tend to have difficulties with attention span, working memory, and emotional control. These challenges can affect their academic performance, social skills, and self-esteem (Barkley, 2015).
Gaming can be particularly appealing for children with ADHD for several reasons. First, gaming can provide stimulation and excitement that can counteract their boredom and low arousal levels (sometimes called Dopamine chasing). Second, gaming can offer immediate feedback and rewards that can satisfy their need for gratification and reinforcement. Third, gaming can allow them to exercise some control and autonomy over their environment and actions. Fourth, gaming can help them improve some cognitive skills, such as visual-spatial abilities, problem-solving, and multitasking. And finally, tired brains crave focus. It allows players to forget about the expectations and vicissitudes of the 'real world' and drop into hyper-focused absorption (Chan & Rabinowitz, 2006).
As such, gaming can also exacerbate their inattention and distractibility, making it harder for young people to shift focus to other tasks or activities. It can exacerbate impulsive, agitated or hyperactive behaviours, making it harder for them to calm down and self-manage behaviours. Patterns can lead to gaming dependence that can interfere with their daily routines and responsibilities. If they're playing online, they're likely to be exposed to some less-than-ideal language (or worse), which can lead to other social challenges (Chan & Rabinowitz, 2006).
Autism (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by persistent and pervasive impairments in social communication and interaction, as well as restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Children with ASD often have difficulties with social cues, emotional expression, and perspective-taking. They also tend to have narrow and intense interests, rigid routines, and sensory sensitivities. These challenges can affect their social development, communication skills, and adaptive functioning (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
Gaming can be appealing for children with ASD for several reasons. First, gaming can provide a structured and predictable environment that can reduce their anxiety and stress. Second, gaming can offer a safe and comfortable way of exploring social interactions and emotions, without the risks or pressures of real-life situations. Third, gaming can allow them to pursue their special interests and passions, which can enhance their self-confidence and happiness. Fourth, gaming can help them develop some cognitive skills, such as memory, attention, and logic (Mazurek & Engelhardt, 2013).
First, gaming can reinforce their social isolation and withdrawal, providing a 'world' with more concrete rules and structure, which often soothes (short term), but can make the real-world experience even trickier. Second, gaming can heighten any latent obsessive and/or compulsive tendencies, making it harder for them to cope with changes or transitions "just one more game!". Third, gaming can create a dependency that can interfere with their daily activities and goals. Fourth, gaming can expose them to inappropriate or harmful content or interactions that can affect their mental health and well-being (Mazurek & Engelhardt, 2013).
Helping Your Child Manage Their Gaming Use
Promoting balanced gaming habits isn’t about outright prohibition but about encouraging balance (Kuss et al., 2017). An open dialogue is vital—discuss gaming interests with your child, set clear boundaries, and motivate them to engage in various activities. As parents, understanding the appeal of their favourite games and highlighting the importance of time management and a balanced lifestyle can help them form healthier gaming habits.
Some of the strategies that parents and guardians can use to help their children manage their gaming use are:
Establish rules and limits - Set reasonable and consistent rules for gaming use, such as the amount of time, the type of games, the location of devices, etc. Involve your child in the decision-making process and explain the rationale behind the rules. Monitor and enforce the rules regularly and reward compliance (King et al., 2017).
Encourage alternative activities - Help your child find other hobbies and interests that can provide enjoyment and fulfilment, such as sports, arts, music, reading, etc. Support your child’s participation in these activities and praise their achievements. Schedule family time and outings that do not involve gaming (King et al., 2017).
Foster social skills - Encourage your child to interact with other people face-to-face, rather than online. Help your child develop social skills, such as communication, empathy, cooperation, and conflict resolution. Provide opportunities for your child to socialise with peers who share similar interests and values. Model positive and respectful social behaviour and provide feedback and guidance (King et al., 2017).
Educate yourself and your child - Learn more about gaming and its effects on children and adolescents. Understand the benefits and risks of gaming, as well as the signs and symptoms of gaming fixation. Share this information with your child and discuss their views and feelings about gaming. Help your child develop critical thinking and media literacy skills, such as evaluating the credibility and accuracy of information, recognising bias and manipulation, and distinguishing between reality and fantasy (King et al., 2017).
Seek professional help - If gaming habits start to create significant issues for your child or your family, consider seeking help from professionals, such as psychologists or counsellors. They can provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and support for gaming fixation and related problems. They can also help you develop effective strategies to cope with stress, improve communication, and enhance well-being (King et al., 2017).
These strategies can help parents and guardians to promote balanced gaming habits among their children and adolescents. They can also help them to prevent or address gaming fixation and its negative consequences.
Gaming as Catharsis
Let it out!
Catharsis, a term borrowed from our ancient Greek friends, pertains to the purging of emotions or a release of pent-up feelings, leading to a sense of renewal and restoration. Within the realm of gaming, this manifests as a platform through which players can express their frustrations, joys, and fears in a manner that is both safe and controlled. We like to imagine our psychology and interests are substantially more refined than people a couple of thousand years ago. We're really not much different. In terms of technology, yes, we stand upon the shoulders of giants. But in ethics, morality, and society, we are shoulder-to-shoulder.
However, we are much better at pretending to be one thing or another. History (and the present) shows us fairly conclusively that pretending act in the 'right' or 'desirable' way, without acknowledging how we actually are, will lead us to dark places. Sometimes we might call this 'masking', leading to cognitive dissonance, and a slow-and-steady loss of self-knowledge and quality of relationships.
Gaming serves as a conduit for emotions and thoughts, especially those carrying agitation and strong emotions. The virtual world provides an environment where challenges can be overcome, battles won, and puzzles solved – in essence, gaming mirrors the challenges we face in the real world but with a stronger sense of control. Gaming can also allow players to vent their anger or aggression without harming themselves or others, or to experience excitement or thrill without risking their safety or well-being (Granic et al., 2014).
Gaming can help players to distract themselves from negative emotions or situations, or to modulate their emotional intensity or arousal levels. Gaming can also help players to process their emotions or experiences, or to find meaning or purpose in them. Gaming can also help players to enhance their positive emotions or experiences, or to create new ones (Granic et al., 2014).
Many use games as a means of escape and absorption, producing stability in a world that feels overwhelming or unmanageable. It can be an extension of dissociation to some - a way of escaping when there is no escape from the physical environment.
Games can soothe the traumatised, providing a safe space for players to process their difficult content over time, without the scariness of talking to someone about the whole lot at once. Sometimes it's possible to confront their fears or anxieties in a digital world - a kind of exposure therapy. Gamers can find mastery in a digital environment where they feel more resourced. We all need to feel a sense of efficacy, and if the odds feel stacked against us in one domain, we'll seek efficacy in another. Gaming can also provide a way for players to connect with others who have similar experiences or challenges, or to seek support or validation from them (Granic et al., 2014).
These benefits of gaming as catharsis suggest that gaming can have a positive impact on the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents, especially those who face stress, frustration, trauma, or adversity in their lives. However, these benefits are not guaranteed or universal; they depend on various factors, such as the type of game, the frequency and duration of gaming, the context and motivation of gaming, and the individual characteristics and preferences of the player (Granic et al., 2014).
How to Identify When Gaming Becomes a Problem
Recognising when gaming becomes problematic is vital. Warning signs include neglect of responsibilities, disrupted sleep patterns, declining academic performance, and social withdrawal (Gentile, 2009). If gaming starts to interfere with everyday activities or causes distress, it might be time to seek professional assistance.
There is no clear-cut definition or diagnosis of gaming fixation or addiction. Different researchers and organisations have proposed different criteria and terms for this phenomenon, such as Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD), Gaming Disorder (GD), or Problematic Online Gaming (POG) (King et al., 2013).
However, there is some consensus on the core features of gaming fixation:
Preoccupation - Spending excessive amounts of time thinking about or planning for gaming activities.
Withdrawal - Experiencing unpleasant physical or psychological symptoms when unable to game or when attempting to reduce or stop gaming.
Tolerance - Needing to increase the amount or intensity of gaming to achieve the same level of satisfaction or excitement.
Loss of control - Being unable to limit or regulate one’s gaming behaviour despite negative consequences or personal efforts.
Continuation - Persisting in gaming behaviour despite awareness of its harmful effects on oneself or others.
Displacement - Giving up or reducing other important activities or interests because of gaming.
Escape - Using gaming as a way of coping with stress, anxiety, depression, or other negative emotions (King et al., 2013).
If a child or adolescent exhibits five or more of these features for at least 12 months, they might meet the criteria for IGD or GD, according to the American Psychiatric Association (2013) or the World Health Organization (2018), respectively. However, these criteria are not definitive or conclusive; they are only indicative and suggestive. Gaming fixation or addiction is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that requires a comprehensive and individualised assessment and intervention (King et al., 2013).
If you suspect that your child or adolescent might have a gaming problem, time to have a chat with your person (therapist, specialist, etc). They can provide you and your child with the necessary support and guidance to overcome gaming fixation and head towards balance.
Below are some resources which may help the journey:
Resources for Parents and Guardians
For parents and guardians seeking to better understand gaming and support their children, numerous resources exist, including online forums, educational websites, and support groups (Ferguson, 2013). These resources can provide information, advice, tips, and strategies on how to deal with gaming issues and promote positive gaming habits. They can also connect you with other parents and guardians who share similar experiences and challenges. Some of the most useful resources for accessing gaming information and support are:
Call us at the Elizabeth Clinic if you're in Perth! (08 9384 4565).
The Australian Psychological Society - The peak body for psychology in Australia. It offers a range of services and resources for the public, including finding a psychologist, accessing online self-help programs, reading articles and factsheets on various topics, etc. It also provides information and tips on gaming and its effects on children and adolescents (The Australian Psychological Society).
The Office of the eSafety Commissioner - The Australian Government’s agency for online safety. It offers a range of services and resources for the public, including reporting cyberbullying, online abuse, or illegal content, accessing online safety education programs, reading guides and advice on various topics, etc. It also provides information and tips on gaming and its effects on children and adolescents (The Office of the eSafety Commissioner).
The Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre - A national research centre that focuses on the role of technology in improving the mental health and well-being of young people. It offers a range of services and resources for the public, including accessing online mental health services, participating in research projects, reading reports and publications on various topics, etc. It also provides information and tips on gaming and its effects on children and adolescents (The Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre).
The Australian Council on Children and the Media - A national non-profit organisation that advocates for the rights and interests of children in relation to media. It offers a range of services and resources for the public, including providing media ratings and reviews, conducting research and campaigns on various topics, etc. It also provides information and tips on gaming and its effects on children and adolescents (The Australian Council on Children and the Media).
These resources can help parents and guardians to better understand gaming and support their children in developing healthy and balanced gaming habits. They can also help them to prevent or address gaming fixation and its negative consequences.